ExperienceTwin is launched
February 3rd, 2022
The ExperienceTwin TETRA project's official start was on the 2nd of February 2023. The exciting launch event allowed all partners to meet and exchange innovative ideas concerning our future collaboration. During the event, the ExperienceTwin framework was presented and its possibility to be applied to a number of use cases was discussed.
In the following months, we will explore the advantages of adding eye-tracking metrics within the GF Piping Systems VR training and the benefits of haptic feedback in the experiences of The Park Playground. Furthermore, we will investigate the gains that real-time VR video monitoring and wizard annotation dashboard can bring to the ORSI Academy trainers and how more realistic haptic-based sensations might improve trainees’ learning experiences. Finally, we will look at how psychophysiological measures can support the user-centred design process of new Voxdale products.
Since at the heart of a TETRA project lies the transfer of knowledge, we paid close attention to planning practical workshops available for all partners. Gladly, we won’t have to wait long as the first workshop was scheduled for 8th June 2023. Sign up for our newsletter for more updates and upcoming events.